Victory In Grace

Thursday, October 23, 2008




Wanted: Church Plant Team Members

Wanted: Church Planting Interns

Why Tampa Bay?

God has really been deeply touching us with a vision to gather missionaries in the Tampa bay area from all over the United States. We together as a missionary community will be able plant numerous churches together as a family than on our own as just Church planters.  Together we can make an impact, working all alongside one another, instead of apart building our very own kingdom. Let’s work together to plant a healthy church that loves people and really cares about one another. Then we can help one another to plant other churches from a base of operations and develop a network of churches planting churches. This takes sacrifice and a life that does not belong to you anymore. It honestly takes a poured our life. If you want to join the team please give me a call or email me your resume. We are not looking for the religious. We are looking for a few Good men and women who are really ordinary people who do not think much of themselves, however think much about our extraordinary God who builds churches through the ordinary. This is the march of the unqualified.

Over the past year God has given us a burden for lost people in the Southeast and a passion to reach them with the message of Jesus Christ by planting a network of healthy churches. Our goal is to be used by God to impact the Southeast for His kingdom by changing the spiritual landscape of this entire area from one that worships and idolizes nature, leisure, and individualism to a community of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ that worship the one true God.


Our efforts will begin in Tampa Bay Why?

• Spiritually open people who are ready to respond to God when His gospel is presented through an authentic and culturally relevant community of faith.

• Growing population of over 4 million people with 9% growth in population expected annually. This county has the Youngest demographic in Florida (18-40 years old) nearly 42% of Tampa Bay’s population is in the highly desirable target 18-40 age group.

We believe that we have been called by God to church planting because is the single most effective form of evangelism today, and the best method for achieving the common objective of reaching all of North America with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. New churches grow faster than established churches because new churches are formed around impacting entire communities and reaching the un-churched versus an emphasis of taking care of existing members in established churches. People are also more open to change in new churches and thus excited about trying new and innovative ideas which, in turn, attract other people. New churches also encourage the raising up of new leaders that may otherwise not readily get or seek leadership opportunities in existing churches. This is an important consideration given that a church’s ability to identify, empower, and equip kingdom-minded leaders largely determines the level of its success.
To accomplish our vision we have joined with Converge Southeast. The focus of Converge Southeast is staring new and healthy churches throughout the region. For more information about Converge south east please visit their website at:

The focus of Converge Southeast is staring new and healthy churches throughout the region.


Are You Living A Life Of Significance?

Most of us, at some point in our lives will ask ourselves? What is my Purpose in Life? How can I make an Impact? We want to invite you on an exciting journey. One that will not only transform your life as you encounter the life-changing message of the Gospel of Grace, but also one that will transform a city. As you walk this journey know that you are not alone! There are others that have similar passion. Individuals share the vision of Compass Chapel. This strategy will encourage you to ask the following questions? How Can I Be Equipped And Resourced To Live A Life Of Significance? By taking the Culturally Relevant Training we can be equipped and resourced to live a life of significance. To help fill your journey with excitement, challenge, and meaning, Compass Chapel will offer you individual mentorship or Church planting team opportunities and internship. This will provide a realistic experience that provides face-to-face opportunities to communicate and interact with others. It will take you to exceptional places full of intrigue and growth as you consider God’s purposes for your life. Through a series of Launch team learning activities and individual mentorship, your ability to add value to your own life and make a significant impact in the lives of others will be enhanced. With each step you take, you will encounter opportunities to attend, get involved, and to mentor others in their new found faith.

How Can I Become Involved In Transforming My City?

First hand experiences at making a positive difference by connecting you with real opportunities to make an impact. Your journey never ends! To live a life of significance, the journey is continuous. A process whereby the more you become involved, the more you discover who you are, and the more you personally will grow. We will develop several key initiatives that will demonstrate the person and values of Jesus Christ while meeting the unique needs of our city together. This vision will only become possible if you and others come together and get involved. Under each initiative there are various ideas and opportunities that fall into three simple levels of involvement. These levels will help you apply what you have learned through the training, use your God given gifts and abilities to enhance the overall city strategy, and provide moments for you to start spiritual conversations with someone.

American Missionaries Wanted

At the time of this writing there are approximately 300 million people in North America. It is estimated that at least 200 million of them are lost without Christ as their personal Savior. The easiest solution to this lostness problem is to train and require the 100 million saved people to lead two people to Christ this year. Then all of North America will be saved. Sounds too good to be true, but the math works. God desires the church to be salt and light among the nations. We all pretty much agree that healthy church plants are the most effective method of evangelism and discipleship.
So how do we start enough churches to reach 200 million people?
Using the most common method available today, it will not be done. Training people for three years in seminary and sending them out will not be sufficient because of people, resources, and time. This method only allows us to begin a certain number of churches each year determined by the amount of resources to fund a pastor and the number of pastors available, which is limited to graduates from seminary.


Recruiting Bi-vocational Church Planters and Missionaries

Tampa Bay

What is a Bivocational Church Planter?

By most definitions, a bivocational church planter is someone who starts a church, and gains part of his personal income from an outside source and part from the church. This outside income could be from work, investments, retirement, or any other sources. The income from the church could be as little or as great as plausible. It could include housing allowance, travel allowance, annuity, or any other form of income.

Usually, these agreements can be seen in one of the following arrangements:

1. The church plant cannot pay a livable wage at first and the pastor works anywhere from 20 to 40 hours in a secular job to support his family.

2. The church planter has a very adequate profession and wants to only accept a token of his worth to the church, such as travel or annuity.

3. The church plant cannot pay a livable wage, so the church planter accepts another ministry position, such as a part-time staff member in another church or a consultant for an association or state convention.

4. The church can pay a livable salary, but the pastor needs to help in other areas of ministry; therefore, they release him a day or two per week to hold another ministry job.

5. The church planter desires to have some time in the workforce to meet people. This is an intentional part of his church planting strategy.

6. Sometimes a church planter just does not want to be in financial bondage to a church body such as the apostle Paul-and desires to stay bi-vocational for this reason.
7. Finally, this could be a retired person who sees the need for a new church plant and steps up to the plate. Using his retirement as his primary source of income, he takes a small stipend from the church (such as a housing allowance, which can be a tax advantage.)

8. As you can see, there can be any mix of possibilities as God would lead.

We are looking for various types of people from all races and cultural backgrounds to form a team that have first given themselves to the Lord and them to one another.  This is an opportunity to get involved with a church planting team with other church planters and missionaries who are going to be testing various methodologies, ideas, and using this fallen world as a laboratory.  Do you want to come to a place where the sky is the limit? Every idea is cared about. We are looking to put together the most amazing team of missionaries and church planters from all over the United States. We together by working to collaborate through the numerous levels and stages of church planting can make a greater impact by planting not just one church, but many. Individually available help each other fulfill each others God given hopes, dreams, vision, and destines through the Body of Christ. We can Start a Movement together and change the landscape of our culture and the very culture of church planting by making it collaborative, instead of focusing all the pressure upon just the individual church planter family.


Love un-churched and never churched people
Passion for this postmodern generation
A passion for Christ
General agreement with vision, mission, core values, and statement of faith.
Ability to work as a team
Administrative and communication skills
Willing to raise personal support
Teachable and Coachable
Consider Planting a church or partnering with someone else to plant a new church after the first church
Is Planted.

We are not a Funding Agency we are a Collaborative Network of Missionaries who are working for one another. We do not fund or give grants to church plants or church planters looking for funding.

We do give our Friendship, Love, Care and Prayers through partnership.

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